Terms & Conditions

All Terms and Conditions must be accepted prior to any booking made with Rock Dog Walks.

This is completed online by filling out our booking forms during the scheduling of your appointment.


Full payment is required for all bookings made with the online booking system. Monthly invoices are due on the 7th of each month in advance. Monthly invoices not paid on time may result in your booking being cancelled or rescheduled at our discretion.

If a client has paid a deposit for a booking the remaining payment will be due a minimum of 7 days prior to the booking starting. If the invoice is not paid on time, this may result in your booking being cancelled or rescheduled at our discretion.

All grooming appointments must be paid in full on collection of your pet from our Grooming Studio.

Emergency Care

In the unexpected case of an emergency, Rock Dog Walks will make every effort to contact the owner using the information provided. If the owner cannot be contacted, reasonable judgement will be made by our team members, who are all fully trained Canine First Aid Responders, to ensure the safety and care of the dog/pet is upheld. If reasonable judgement is made that the dog/pet should visit the veterinary surgery, all costs for this visit will be covered by the owner (receipts will be provided).


Cancellation Policy/Refunds/Deposits

A minimum of 3 days’ notice is required for any dog walk/pet sit booking to be cancelled. Any notice less than this period will be refunded by 50% only or it may be rescheduled to a later date if available. Any booking cancelled within 48 hours will not be refunded.

No-Shows for Grooming Appointments will incur a mandatory non-refundable 50% deposit for any future bookings in our studio.

If your booking is cancelled by Rock Dog Walks, a full refund can be made or the booking can be rescheduled. Please allow up 5 -7 business days for refunds to be processed.

Rock Dog Walks reserves the right to refuse any bookings with any animals for any reason. 

Bookings requested in advance of website availability can be made by paying a 10% non-refundable deposit to hold dates required. Should the deposit not be paid by the invoice due date, the booking requested may not be held and the booking may not be available at a later stage. Rock Dog Walks is not responsible for a client’s failure to pay a booking deposit and subsequently resulting in the dates initially requested not being available.

General Terms and Conditions

All dog walking bookings are inclusive of the time taken to enter and leave your home, place a harness or lead on your dog as well as providing fresh water after the booking. Rock Dog Walks will not be responsible for any delays in your booking caused by you or your dog. Should any Rock Dog Walks team member delay the booking, the booking will be completed in full at the delayed time.

Rock Dog Walks will make every effort to ensure every booking is carried out in full and that all dogs/pets have an enjoyable and safe experience. However, if any dog(s)/pet(s) become too difficult to handle, Rock Dog Walks will immediately notify the owner and any future bookings may be cancelled with little/no notice.


Rock Dog Walks will treat all dogs/pets in their care in a kind, humane and trustworthy manner, and will not discriminate against or pass judgement on any breed or type of pet.


Rock Dog Walks are insured to walk up to six dogs at any one time, however common sense and reasonable judgment will be used when taking bookings to ensure all dogs enjoy their time with us and that their safety and ours is at the forefront of our minds at all times.


Rock Dog Walks will not allow dogs to be off lead without prior written permission from the owner, except when requested in the case of a medical emergency.


Rock Dog Walks will not be held responsible for any damage caused by dogs becoming loose from a lead caused by a faulty lead/collar/harness provided by the dog’s owner.

Rock Dog Walks will take no responsibility if we are not informed a dog is in heat should anything arise from it.

Clients are solely responsible to ensure their dogs have the required vaccinations prior to any bookings made with Rock Dog Walks. Should your pet not be vaccinated, this will not be an issue for our team however should your dog become ill as a result of being in contact with us or other dogs in our care, the Client will take all responsibility for this.


During extreme weather conditions i.e., hot weather/weather warnings issued by Met Eireann, Rock Dog Walks reserves the right to cancel any walks in the interest of the dog’s safety as well as the safety of any team member completing the booking. These bookings may be rescheduled.

Grooming T & C’s

All bookings will be completed in full to the best of our ability, ensuring your pet is as comfortable as possible, with our priority being your dog’s health, safety and happiness.

Should the booking not be completed or completed early due to your pet being too distressed or aggressive, we will notify you at the earliest opportunity. This is to ensure the safety of your pet and our Team.

Any refunds/discounts provided made due to incomplete bookings will be at the discretion of the Rock Dog Walks team.

The Client agrees to the following during any Grooming Booking:

To make Rock Dog Walks aware of their dogs normal behaviour during a regular trip to the groomers i.e., if they are behaved or if they require the use of a muzzle due to aggression.

To understand if their dog is too difficult to handle, or becomes aggresive towards our team, that they will be notified and the grooming appointment will end early to ensure further stress is not put on your dog unnecessarily.

Our grooming studio is set up to accommodate a one-to-one session with your pet, and for this reason we charge for your appointment by the hour (€30 per hour). Should your dog be difficult to handle or have a badly affected coat due to improper care causing us to spend more than the allowed scheduled time with your pet, the price of your appointment will reflect the time taken to groom your pet.



House Sitting T & C’s

All Bookings require a 10% non-refundable deposit

Rock Dog Walks agrees to the following during any House Sitting Booking..

To make every reasonable effort to ensure the good health, comfort, safety and happiness of the pet(s).

To follow the home owner’s instructions as far as possible in the care of the pet(s).

To keep the premises as clean and tidy as at the start of the booking and to notify the Home Owner of any damage or issues immediately if they occur.

To keep the premises secure and ensure everything is locked up as required when the House Sitter is not at the premises, however Rock Dog Walks will not be held responsible should any break ins occur during the booking.

Plants will be watered regularly if mentioned as part of the booking.

Bins will be left out for collection if mentioned as part of the booking.

To keep the Home Owner updated daily.

The Home Owner agrees to the following during any House Sitting Booking..

General use of a kitchen, a bathroom and a room to stay in during the booking.

To provide all food, medication and supplies for the pet(s) for the duration of the booking.

To allow access to the premises and to notify Rock Dog Walks of any specific details for the duration of the booking i.e. usage of appliances etc.

To reimburse Rock Dog Walks should any costs be incurred by the house sitter for the care of the pet(s) listed in the booking.

To notify Rock Dog Walks immediately of any malaise during the booking to allow Rock Dog Walks to rectify issues should they arise.

To understand that Rock Dog Walks will complete other bookings during the day and will ensure the times agreed to be at the premises are maintained for the entire booking.

To notify Rock Dog Walks if any security cameras inside the premises will be recording us for the duration of the booking.